The loub job, inspired by the designer Christian Louboutin, also known as the foot lift, is a technique aimed at reducing pain caused by wearing high heels. The injection is administered at the level of the plantar pressure point, beneath the metatarsal, to create a cushion.
In 10 cm heels, nearly 90% of the body weight is supported by the front of the foot compared to 30% when flat.
Wearing high heels for an extended period accelerates the reduction of the fat pad, which can cause significant pain.
The goal is to create a natural cushion for the foot that will relieve plantar pain.
The session takes place approximately like a classic hyaluronic acid injection session for the face, with the exception that there may be a prior podiatric examination.
After the treatment, testimonials indicate an immediate sensation of cushioning under the foot that diminishes over time and gives way to real relief when wearing heels, even stilettos.
The duration of the loub job is approximately 4 to 6 months depending on the treatment performed by the doctor and the injected hyaluronic acid. It generally involves a thick hyaluronic acid that is injected using a cannula. The treatment does not require social exclusion, and the session typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
Another technique, more invasive and requiring greater social exclusion, but nonetheless definitive, is lipofilling, which involves liposuction of fat that is then redistributed to the painful areas of the soles of the feet.
Attention, none of these methods are miraculous, and it seems important to remind that wearing 13 cm stilettos will not become completely painless either.